Contracted tree trimming crews from Endrizzi continue to perform right-of-way maintenance for the cooperative. Work began on Tuesday June 4th out of the Wenonah substation. Crews just finished up the work in the Pana substation area. If you see limbs and other debris left behind, as the Endrizzi crews work through the area, rest assured cooperative crews are following behind to do the clean up work.

The work that will be done by Endrizzi crews may include aerial, manual and mechanical pruning, removal of incompatible vegetation, brush mowing, applying environmentally safe herbicides, and pole inspections as necessary.

This will not affect your power use they are just doing needed tree trimming and spraying. The shaded area around the "W" are members served off the Wenonah substation.

We will provide updates as crews move from one area to another.

**Never attempt to prune or remove trees near power lines or electrical equipment. We will perform maintenance work up to the meter. Property owners are responsible for anything past the meter and we recommend using a qualified line-clearance tree contractor to do the work. Contact us to have your line temporarily disconnected so work may be done safely by a qualified tree service. 800-677-2612 or 217-774-3986.**

You can also contact us if you are interested in any free wood chips while we are working in your area!

To read a related story click here

map graphic of the Wenonah substation